Naturista plaĝo Le Jonquet, France

Naturista plaĝo Le Jonquet, France
Esperanto is a constructed international auxiliary language. L. L. Zamenhof, a Polish-Jewish ophthalmologist, created Esperanto in the late 19th century and published the first book detailing it, Unua Libro, in 1887 under the pseudonym Dr. Esperanto, Esperanto translating as "one who hopes". His original title for the language was simply the international language (lingvo internacia), but early speakers grew fond of the name Esperanto and began to use it as a name for the language in 1889, which quickly gained prominence and has been used as an official name ever since.
Esperanto is by far the most widely spoken constructed language in the world. Speakers are most numerous in Europe and East Asia, especially in urban areas, where they often form Esperanto clubs.[94] Esperanto is particularly prevalent in the northern and central countries of Europe; in China, Korea, Japan, and Iran within Asia; in Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico in the Americas; and in Togo in Africa.
INOE is the Esperantist association specializing in naturism.
(Source: Wikipedia)